Fora man whenever intended to make the martial arts his career, Sihak Henry Cho, otherwise known as 3. Henry Cho has certainly racked up an impressive record. Born in Korea in 1934, Cho turned to the martial arts for confidence and self-defense, beginning with judo and later embracing taekwondo. Although he was the captain of his college team, Cho never thought of feaching tae kwon do as a ivelihood. Alter raceiving a bachelor's degree, Cho came to the United States to do graduate work in business administration at the University of Illinois. The two hectic years it took to earn his master'sdegreeleftlittletinetoprac- fice martial ants. He Aad originally plannedtoreturnfoKoreaupongredu- ationfromtheuniversity,bulhemet hiswifeto-beandheatpostponinghis departure. If was Korea's floss, and America's gain.