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8 Foolproof Self-Defence Moves That Don’t Take Years to Learn !

A long term study of the martial arts is not the only way to acquire effective unarmed combat skills. With the proper selection of techniques and training procedures, nearly anyone can become skilled in close combat within six months. Black belts who find this statement laughable need only look to the Special Forces of the U.S. Military. It has been proved time and again that mastering one flexible technique is more effective than learning a dozen others in half-hearted way. Too many instructors demand a set response for each attack, then regulary introduce new techniques for similar attacks delivered at slightly different angles. At best, this approach requires years of training; at worst, half the class gains a false confidence in techniques unsuitable for them. Teaching an armbar to a man who stands 6 feet 4 inches tall and is built like sumo wrestler is one thing, but insisting that a 5-foot-1-inch 100-pound housewife rely on the same to subdue an enraged rapist twice her weight is unfair and dangerous. A proper “average person’s” technique has to work regardless of differences in size, ground surface, lighting conditions or physical obstructions. The defense must be simple enough to be learned quickly and executed automatically – without constant practice because most of us have other responsibilities besides learning how to fight. The hand and foot skills offered below are culled from commando hand-to-hand combat and jujutsu. They do not require exotic stances, warm-up exercises, hand conditioning, meditation, chi (internal energy) or the years of instruction demanded by many martial arts. Rather, they are basic, simple and ideally suited to home-study course. Most importantly, when delivered with surprise, speed and reasonable power against the body’s vulnerable areas, they get the job done.


A blow with the side of your fist eliminates the risk associated with using a boxing punch-breaking your knuckles, thumb or wrist, or failing to knock out your opponent – but still allows you to land a damaging strike. It’s a natural motion that uses the sturdy bone along the edge of your hand. To form this weapon, make a tight fist with your thumb pressed against your middle and index fingers. Keep your wrist straight and rigidly locked. Deliver it with chooping, whip-like motion. It should impact with the fleshy side of your hand between the pinky and the wrist, and snap back immediately afterward. The best targets include the groin, neck, nose, temple, jaw and chin.


With the heel of your hand, you can break any frontal grab – provided, of course, that you have one hand free. You can also use it in many other close-combat situations. Form the weapon weapon by bending your hand back at the wrist, with your thumb tucked in and fingers spread. Strike with the base of your palm. When you’re very close to the enemy, ram it under his chin; this forces his head back. Follow up by gouging his eyes with your outstretched fingers. If the opponents keeps you at arm’s length, start throwing heel-of-the-hand blows in quick, piston – like combinations. Aim anywhere on the face, but the nose is usually the preferred target. At the very least, this will keep him off-balance and vulnerable to other strikes.. Even if none of the blows reaches him, the mere fact you are now on the offensive will keep him busy enough protecting himself that he can no longer hurt you.


Cup your hands like a swimmer and simultaneously bash them over your attacker’s ears, whipping your hands back after making contact. At the very least, the opponent will be punch drunk, but more likely he’ll drop like a rock.

A cupped hand slapped against the ear can disorient an attacker and even damage his eardrum.


Thew eyes are the most delicate part a person’s anatomy, and this grue-some technique can rip them right out of his head. Sharply bend your thumbs and place the tips on the inside corner of each eye. Now straighten your thumbs with a jerking motion and drive them deep inside and toward his ears. Practise this on your partner’s forehead – never on the eyes themselves – and you will be amazed when you observe how far back his head snaps. The thumb gouge is an ideal follow-up to a cupped-hand clout but must be reserved for actuall life-or-death confrontations only. The thumb gouge is so effective that it should be used only in the direst of circumstances.


This strike is used against the throat, neck, midsection, groin or other soft parts of the body. Bend your fingers at the second joint with the fingers tips pressed against the upper part of your palm, and place your thumb on top of your index finger. Strike with the first three knuckles in a jabbing fashion. Surprisingly little force is required for effectiveness, especially when you hit the windpipe. The knuckle punch, also known as the leopard strike is most often used to destroy a soft target such as the neck, the author says.


This technique requires more balance and practice then the others, but it is worth the effort. Raise either leg waist high and keep your supporting leg bent to enhance your balance. Quickly move your kicking leg straight forward without twisting your knee. Whether you strike your target or not, snap your leg back immediately to prevent your opponent from grabbing it. If you wear sturdy shoes, you can kick toe-first; otherwise, strike with the heel or ball of your foot. The best targets are the shins and knees, but the groin shouldn’t be overlooked. Since most men expects a groin attack, attempt one only when your opponent is visibly weakened or distracted. The front snap kick should be driven upward into the groin for maximum effectiveness.


Many instructors warn against relaying on the knee thrust because, in their words, “The testicles are difficult to hit, and a bungled attempt will only make your attacker angrier”. That may appear logical on paper, but those who have street experience will agree that in some situations, such as being lifted in a front bear hug, a knee thrust is the only practical solution. Such a techniques delivered anywhere in the groin area even the outer thigh can cause substantial pain – not the knockout type of pain a testicle kick produces, but enough so you can launch additional blows which will take him out of action. Furthermore, a knee thrust is the only technique that automatically deflects a knee thrust aimed at you, so whenever hand-to-hand grappling ensues, the wise man gets hit shot in first. For those who still aren’t convinced that knees are prime weapons against the groin, I offer this test: Strap on a sturdy protective cup, then stand with your legs together to shield your testicles and invite your partner to ram his knee into your crouch. You’ll soon find out what a wooden floor tastes like. To execute the knee thrust, grab your opponent’s lapels for balance bend either knee and start ramming it upward. If he hasn’t dropped after one or two attempts, stick your thumb in his eye, ram a finger up his nostril or bite his nose. He’ll be too busy guarding his “family jewels” to see it coming. Then you can launch additional thrusts at will. Often regarded as the most powerful technique in the martial arts, the knee thrust can target the head, the groin or the thights.


This kick is a short range version of the powerfull side kick – one that can be mastered in a fraction of the time. A scraping kick is more practical than karate-type kicks because most fights occur with blinding speed and in such close quartres that an attempt to throw a traditional kick often gets the wrong man hurt. To deliver a scraping kick, turn slightly to the left to protect your groin, smash the outer edge of your right shoe into his shin and scrape downward. Finish by stomping on his foot with your heel. You’ll notice the funny way he lurches forward, chin exposed, almost inviting the heel-of-the-hand blow as a follow-up. Spend plenty of time practicing these eight techniques until they become as reflexive as driving a car. You will soon discover that some work better for you than others; those are the ones you should concentrate on in training so they become reflexive on the street.

Against a Front Choke What makes a choking assault dangerous is that the victim frequently panics when his struggling fails to free him. To make matters worse, all the useless trashing does is make the assailant clamp down even tighter. Below are three effective counters, but because a strong assailant can render you senseless in five seconds, the first move must loosen his death grip on your throat. After that, your wisdom can determine the counterattack. In the first situation, you are choked at arm’s length- your attacker may have you backed against a wall. Put your palms together and thrust them upward and outward against the inside of his elbows. Even if his hands don’t fly from your neck, most of the pressure will be relieved. Your next move- a knee thrust, heel-of-the-hand blow or thumb gouge- depends on the situation and how close to him you are. In the second situation, you are choked at arm’s length again, but this time he pushes you backward and keeps you off-balance. The wedge technique described above won’t work now, since you’d have to pit strength against strength. Instead, raise your left arm and step back with your right foot at the same time. If done quickly, you will regain your balance, breake his balance and relieve his hold. Follow up by swinging your left arm down against his wrists, then hitting his face with the side of your fist. The third situation involves another choke, but now his face and body lie within easy reach. Clasp your raised hands together without intertwining the fingers and smash the edge of your hands against his wrist. Follow up with a knuckle punch to the windpipe, heel-of-the-hand blow or thumb gouge.

Against a Bear Hug This is favourite of husky fellows-and rapist – who like to pick on smaller people. A bear hug can be dangerous; applied just right, it paralyzes the diaphragm and makes breathing impossible, or a rib may fracture and pierce your heart or lungs. Like a lapel grab, however, a bear hug is easily countered by a trained person. Assuming he holds you with your arms pinned-only an idiot would leave your arms free – you will notice that your hands almost touch his groin. If punching or twisting his testicles doesn’t make him release you, then stomping on his foot, scraping his shin or biting his ear will.

About author: Matthew Temkin is a free-lance writer and martial artist based in Kew Gardens, New York.

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